10 Keto Killing Mistakes You Should Avoid

keto killing mistakes essay

Overall we have made mistakes in our daily balance and what we eat.  I have absolutely no special case for making mistakes.  I have made mistakes in my excursion to the ketogenic diet, and I have found many different combinations when starting and continuing a ketogenic diet.

Also, in this article, I will share two of my pick-ups similar to the pick-ups created by my clients. 

The first mistakes are certainly very widespread...

1. Fear of fat

We have all been lied to that fat is bad and it is going to kill us. Ansel Keys started this theory decades ago, and low-fat magic has existed ever since. 

Doctors and researchers say that if we continue to eat fat, our arteries will narrow and we will die of a heart attack. This is not true, it is based on weak science.

To succeed in the keto diet, you need to overcome this fear. Our bodies thrive on the use of healthy fats. Our liver breaks down fat into ketones, which are the basis of the ketogenic diet. It is the purest burning fuel for our bodies.

Satisfaction is the greatest benefit of eating enough of these healthy fats. When you consume enough healthy fats, you will find that you do not need snacks between meals.

You may also find that you need to eat less because you are more satisfied. You can start fast non-stop and eat only within 6-8 hours, which leads to many health benefits.

With this satisfaction, when you consume enough healthy fats, you will find that you will not be tempted to cheat. Let’s face it; It’s hard to be in the project if you’re interested. But if your body feels satisfied, you are less likely to achieve that sugar cheat feast.

Related post: keto desserts 

2. Not enough salt

It is in the same way that you are afraid of fat, but you can not be afraid of salt in the ketogenic diet. When you are on a glucose burner, your body needs plenty of water to use and store glycogen.

However, ketones are a very clean-burning fuel and do not require much water. So your body starts to get rid of this excess water, which is one reason why you can lose a lot of weight in the short term on a keto diet.

It also releases sodium, potassium, and magnesium in the process of passing this water through your kidneys.

This electrolyte loss is a common cause of what people call "keto flu". It can also lead to things like heart palpitations, constipation, headaches, fatigue, and lightheadedness.

By increasing your sodium intake, you control the loss of electrolytes through the kidneys. I recommend doing this with good salts like Himalayan pink salts and good quality sea salts. Both of these contain extra minerals that are not found in regular table salt.

You can also use so-called "light" salts. These are usually 50% salt and 50% potassium, which also helps with potassium loss.

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3.Too much dairy 

Heavy cream, hard cheeses, butter, and cream cheese are delicious and consider a staple in the keto diet. The problem is that not everyone can tolerate milk, which can lead to weight stores.

Half of those I have helped over the years have no tolerance for milk. This intolerance can lead to inflammation in the body. Inflammation increases cortisol, which affects weight loss and overall health.

I think most people don’t even know they have a milk problem. They blame the weight loss plateaus on their diet or other things in life.

If you suspect milk intolerance I recommend going for milk-free. Slowly add back in some milk to see how you feel and how it affects you. You may be surprised by what you see.

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4. Not Having a Big Enough “Why”

This is another mistake I see not only in the keto diet but also other foods. Why are you on a keto diet?

If your reason is that, if you can lose weight and look beautiful, it is not going to work or last. When you come to a difficult connection, you do, you have more to give up or give up or go back to your old ways.

I mean very sick, unhealthy you can do this easily. Let’s face it, if you have type 2 diabetes, you may have a better “why” than someone who wants to lose 20 pounds to look beautiful in a summer bikini. But to come up with a better "why" does not mean you have to be on the verge of death.

I suggest digging in and coming up with a better “why”. To do this, ask yourself every time why you have a reason to lose weight and stay healthy. If you find the answer, ask again why.

Keep going down that rabbit-like rabbit hole, every time they ask you why when you say something to them. Eventually, you will come up with something like this.

“I want to lose weight and stay healthy because I don’t want a short life with low physical and mental abilities. I have seen my loved ones die and suffer from diabetes.

I don’t want to be a carb addict anymore, and that addiction makes me feel stupid. I want to be responsible for my health and the food I eat.

I want to live a long healthy life full of physical activity and mental health. I refuse to be confined to a wheelchair or bed in my later years. I don’t want to give up on senility or Alzheimer’s disease.

I want to be a part of the lives of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren until the day. I want to be the best version I can be. "

These are just some of the "whys" examples. Yours will be different and personalized.

Once you get you “why” I want you to write it down. Write it down physically. There is a better connection in your brain when you write something physically.

Now put the “why” you can see every day It can be read every day by looking at it in the bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or anywhere. Even better, write it down every day.

This will help you when things are hard, and you want to be a cheater. Is that cheater worth more to you than your "why"? If you have enough of the “why”, you want to be on track, without answering the cheater.

10 keto killing mistakes you should avoid

5. Eating more protein

This is a big deal for me. Are you saying I can keep pork and ribeyes? That was my initial reaction to the keto diet.

Oh, those glorious fat meats. All I consume is meat.

While being an essential carbohydrate is not a thing, it does not mean that you can consume all the meat and protein you want.

Instead, proteins should make up 25-30% of the calories we consume daily. A great way to think about this is to try to attack 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of lean bodyweight you have.

You can find yours by finding your lean body mass. 

This gram total is only one goal, and you should not worry too much if you go below or above this total every day. Don’t think about it in the same way that there is a strict limit to our daily carbohydrate intake.

The problem with eating too much protein is that our bodies convert this excess protein into glucose. This glucose conversion can become as problematic as consuming too many carbs in our diet.

Another mistake of this protein intake is to over-consume in a diet. People who eat once a day have more problems with protein than someone who breaks it down to more than one or two meals a day.

Daily protein intake is highly customized, and the only real way you can find out if you are getting too much protein is to test with blood ketone strips. Check with food once a day before and after meals with high protein. Does it affect your nutritional ketone levels? If so fix it.

Finally, I would like to add that protein is needed in any diet. There are more problems with not getting enough protein and then getting too much protein. Still, I recommend not getting too much protein and stopping your weight loss.

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6. Snacking

Did you know that you need to eat several times a day? And, better, right? Wrong.

If you follow a ketogenic diet and stick to a plan with plenty of healthy fats, the opposite is true. You are going to eat less and eat more.

When you are on a glucose burner, you need these snacks because your body can only store so much at a time. This glucose goes out quickly, and you need more of this nonsense fuel. Your body cannot access real fuel storage; It is body fat.

Not so when you burn ketones and fat. Even lean people store tens of thousands of calories of fuel in the form of fat in their bodies. When you are embracing fat, you can access these fat reserves.

For a lot of people who start on a ghetto diet, I find that they want to know what they want for their daily snack. Yes, you can get snacks when you first start if it helps you to modify the ketogenic diet, but this should be one of the first things you cut out.

The good news is that this happens naturally if you listen to your body and hunger signals because fat satisfies you from diet to diet.

Other problems with overeating can lead to excess calories and carbohydrates. I also see where people will use these snacks for artificial sweet treats, which feel like it slows down the carb addiction process.

7. Eating habits

Part of controlling your health and weight loss is taking responsibility.  You care more about your health.  This is not the responsibility of your doctor;  It's yours.  Accept responsibility for it and you will find the power to be in control.  Humans are creatures of habit.  We like practices, and if we look at our lives, we do the same things every day at the same time and in the same location.

For me, every night I naturally saw myself eating in front of the TV. I was necessarily hungry, but it was a condition of my mind that I should eat something while watching TV regularly.

How did I fix this? First, I asked myself if I was really hungry. Most of the time I was not, I ignored it, the longing was gone. But if I decided I was really hungry, I got up and ate at the kitchen table.

That way I don’t combine eating and watching TV together. You will also find events that you commonly associate with food such as eating this place/activity while driving, going to the breakroom at work, or going to the movies.

Another habit is to eat at a certain time. Lunch and dinner at six. We condition our mind and body to expect food at this time regardless of whether we are hungry or not.

We look at the clock and see that it is noon, so should we be hungry? Unnecessary. Should we ask ourselves if we are hungry or do we think we are hungry because there is time on the clock?

Once you have absorbed the fat you can easily skip the meal or move on to a later period. Remember, we have tens of thousands of calories stored, accessible above? We would be better off not eating at lunch every day.

These are not habits and signals of hunger. The good news is, you can release new habits with a little work and practice.

keto killing mistakes guide

8. Not getting enough sleep or dealing with stress

Isn’t that the food we eat? Yes, but it can affect how easy it is to lose weight and other things and sleep is one of those big things

Nowadays we live in a hectic, stressful society. We sit in traffic for hours every day. When we come home with family we have work stress and high stress. To make matters worse, we stayed up late to watch TV.

If you do not get enough sleep, it puts your body under stress. It takes weight whenever your body is in stressful situations.

When I get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, I find that the weight comes off much easier. Likewise, when I do not handle a few stressors in my personal life and work, I feel better about losing more weight.

Also, when we are tired or under a lot of stress, we tend to make bad choices. It is very easy to catch silly foods in these situations or we feel like we need them for a little energy boost.

So go to bed early. Practice some meditation or remove yourself from stressful situations. There are numerous applications these days that can provide you with guided meditation, and this is less than 10 minutes a day.

By getting more sleep, eliminating daily stress, or coping better, you will see your weight loss and overall health improve.

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9.Not personalizing the keto diet

One quantity of ketogenic food does not apply to all foods. It needs to be customized. This customization applies to a lot of dishes. Many do not like this or do not want that responsibility.

Do they want to know how many carbs there can be in a day? How much protein? How much fat? is there? Give me an accurate plan and I will stick to it.

On the other hand, some individuals think that a particular food is on the approved ghetto friendly list and can then consume everything they want. not like that. Check out the dairy mistake above.

If you want to create the best version for yourself, you have to be ready to be your science experiment. Can you keep 50 corps a day and stay in ketosis? Maybe, but because you have insulin resistance you may also find that you need to control it to less than 10 when you first start.

How does milk affect you? How much protein is enough? Is there too much? How much sleep do I need each day? Do I have a food allergy to a particular food like eggs?

You can only answer this question because you are different than everyone else. Use my guidelines for ghetto food or anyone else's guidelines and guidelines. They are not hard rules that you can customize or do.

Related post : the essential keto cook book

10.having Cheats

"I deserve a cheat. I have to eat cheat food once a week." "I have to recommend Carb." There are a thousand more like it.

If you go on a keto diet with cheating days or the mindset of wanting food, I think you are going to fail for a long time. This is a bad mood and will eventually lead to the failure of cheaters.

The problem with cheating on a ketogenic diet is that it kicks you out of ketosis. It can take days or even weeks to return to ketosis. By the time you get back to producing and using ketones, you are cheating again.

And with cheats comes carp hunger. These will last for days and make it easier to cheat again. Remember, you are a carb addict. Wouldn’t you once tell a drinker to eat a cheat drink? So what makes you think this is not right for you?

If you want to break free from addiction and achieve better overall health, you must realize that you cannot be deceived.

Now I say, should you quit if you cheat? Not. There is a good chance it will happen. We are human beings, we have moments of weakness. Go back on track and do everything you can to find out how to make sure it never happens again.

But if you are doing this with a deceptive plan, I do not recommend starting a ketogenic diet. Make some other food that will forgive you when you “cheat” because keto food is not in my opinion.

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Related post: How To Master Your Self-Discipline


There are many common keto diet mistakes I have made and seen, but these are my top 10. I may do a follow-up article and more in the future.

 What was your biggest mistake on this list or not making my list? I would love to hear about this in the comments below.

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