Tips for better sleep

Basic Facts About Sleep 

Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Not every person gets the sleep they need. 

Sometimes, you may experience difficulty sleep due to: 

  • Stress 
  • Medical issues and prescriptions 
  • Long work hours/move work 
  • Light or commotion 
  • Drinking liquor or eating excessively near sleep time 

If you experience difficulty nodding off or staying unconscious most evenings, you may have a sleep issue called a sleeping disorder. 

A few people have more genuine sleep issues. Talk to your doctor if you
  • Fall asleep during the day 
  • Wheeze or make gagging sounds in your rest 
  • Have odd sentiments in your legs or feel like you need to move your legs.

Tips for Better Sleep 

Rolling out certain improvements to your evening propensities may assist you with getting the sleep you need. 

  • Hit the sack and get up on similar occasions every day.
  •  Sleep in a dark, calm room. 
  • Evade caffeine and nicotine. 
  • Try not to drink liquor before sleep time. 
  • Plan something to assist you with loosening up sleep time. 
  • Try not to practice before sleep time. 
  • Try not to sleep after 3 p.m. 
  • Try not to eat a huge dinner before you sleep. 

Converse with your healthcare provider if you experience difficulty dozing pretty much consistently for over about 2 weeks.


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